Your Rights MatterAttorney Hallack understands that clients need a combination of aggressive yet compassionate counsel at this time.
Genuine. Diligent. Ethical.Don't choose a Chicago defense lawyer who is in it for the money. I genuinely want to help you straighten out your life!
Free Case ConsultationWhen the stakes are high, you will need a defense strategy that can aggressively and effectively combat any allegations!
Chicago Traffic Ticket Attorney
Help for Traffic Offenses in Chicago, IL
Traffic tickets are more than just an annoyance. If you receive a traffic ticket, do not pay the fine before speaking with an attorney. In addition to imposing large fines, traffic tickets can cause your license to be suspended and your insurance rates to rise. Traffic tickets for some violations can even result in incarceration.
Court Supervision
Fortunately, you may qualify for court supervision if you have a decent driving record. Court supervision usually involves a fine, traffic-safety classes, or community service. If you comply with the conditions of supervision, the judge dismisses the case, and you will not have a conviction on your record.
Drivers who are 21 or older may receive court supervision for 2 moving violation tickets in a 12-month period. The third violation, if it results in a conviction, will cause the Illinois Secretary of State to suspend the driver's license.
Drivers who are under 21 may receive court supervision for only 1 moving violation in a 24-month period. The second violation, if it results in a conviction, will cause the Illinois Secretary of State to suspend the driver's license.
Depending on your driving record and your circumstances, your attorney can lessen the potential penalties and help secure a favorable outcome. If you received a traffic ticket, contact Chicago attorney Thomas C. Hallock to discuss your options and protect your license.
Fight Your Speeding Ticket
In Illinois, a speeding ticket for driving 26 MPH over the limit is a misdemeanor crime under 625 ILCS 5/11-601.5. This ticket is punishable by a large fine, a suspended or revoked license, and even incarceration. Most shocking is that court supervision is no longer an option. That means you will have a criminal record if you are convicted.
A traffic ticket for speeding 26-34 MPH over the limit is a Class B misdemeanor.
A traffic ticket for speeding 35 MPH or more over the limit is a Class A misdemeanor.
Choose the Defense of Hallock Law
Depending on your driving record and the allegations, your attorney can lessen the harsh penalties for this offense and secure a favorable outcome. If you received a speeding ticket under 625 ILCS 5/11-601.5, contact Chicago criminal defense attorney Thomas C. Hallock to discuss your options and protect your license.
Contact Thomas C. Hallock if you need a skilled and committed traffic ticket defense attorney in Chicago. Request your free case evaluation by calling (888) 412-3741 today.

Helpful Tips From Me To You
How To Properly Exercise Your Constitutional Rights
What You Should Do
- Be respectful.
- Calmly record the interaction.
- Ask if you are free to leave. If you do not ask, the officer may think - and the judge may agree - that the interaction is consensual.
- If you are free to leave, go! If you are not free to leave, do not answer any questions before speaking with your attorney.
What You Should Not Do
- Do not physically resist arrest.
- Do not become aggressive or confrontational.
- Do not consent to a search. The Constitution does not apply if you consent.
- Do not answer questions without first speaking with your attorney. Police are allowed to hold you for 48 hours and they may lie to you the entire time.